Defend the trade interests of our members through acts such as engaging relevant authorities on finding a compromise and a progressive roll-out of certain regulation measures

Advocate for the review of policies and regulations by government agencies that have shortfalls or require more engagement to better the sector’s business environment.

Foster better business relationships within the sector by working with other value chain stakeholders such as Kenya Association of Manufacturers  and Association of Kenya Suppliers.

Lobby for the establishment of policies and other legal frameworks that promote and advance the retail sector.

Protect our members from harassment’s by county governments over unclear charges.

Engage with institutions such as MSCK, KAMP, PRISK to ensure members get reasonable rates.

Resolve retailers’ issues such as postponement of levies executive dates, cease of demand notices and address VAT Auto Assessment (VAA) system issue that members have felt to be punitive and does not facilitate trade.

Facilitate training, engagements, discussions, business and networking opportunities for the members through partnerships with institutions such as KEPSA, Ernst and Young, BAF, Kenya Market Trust, Rockfeller Foundation.